Compute depreciton expenses under each

Daawayne Wade Company purchased equipment for $212,000 on October 1,2008. It is estimated that the equipment will ahve a usefule life of 8 years and a salvage value of $12,000. Estimated production is 40,000 units and estimated working hours 20,000 During 2008,Wade uses the equipment for 525 hours and the equipment produces 1,000 units.


Compute depreciton expenses under each of the following methods. Wade is on a calendar-year basis on December 31(Round to nearest dollar )

(a)Straight-line Method
(b)Activity Method(units of output ) for 2008
(c)Activity Method(Working hours) for 2008
(d) Sum-of-years' digits method
(e)Double-declining balance method for 2008

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Accounting Basics: Compute depreciton expenses under each
Reference No:- TGS0712224

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