The system under consideration is an electronic circuit board, oriented vertically in 27 degree C air. Due to electric resistance heating, the circuit board is dissipating a total of 22 Watts. It has dimensions of 16cm by 16cm and is insulated on the back side. The object of this problem is to minimize the temperature of the circuit board. This needs to be done by trying the following four things: (a) free (or natural) convection (b) forced convection (using a fan for flow) (c) free convection with fins (d) forced convection with fins Note: For the finned cases, apply rectangular pure aluminum fins, 3 mm thick, 1.5cm long, vertical, from bottom to top of the circuit board, neglect "contact resistance" and use the same convection heat transfer coefficient as for the "no fin" cases. Consider applying a single fin or more than one fin. You also do not need to consider radiation heat transger in the calculations. However, you should consider how the resuts for the no-fin cases might change if radiation heat transfer is included in the analysis Calculate the circuit board temperature for each case to see which option gives the best results.