Question: Compute analysis of laminar thermal entry flow in a circular pipe with to = cost and constant fluid properties: Calculate the flow and construct plots to compare development of the Nusselt number with x+ = 2(x/ Dh)/Re Prover the range x+ = 0-0.3. Compare the results with Table 9-4. Using the fully developed temperature-profile criterion associated with evaluate the temperature profiles at various x" locations to demonstrate the concept of thermally fully developed flow. Carry out this problem for Prandtl number values of 0.01, 1.0, and 100 to show the independence of Pr as the thermally fully developed flow condition is met. Feel free to investigate any other attribute of the entry region or thermally fully developed region of the flow. You can choose how to set up the problem in terms of a suitable choice of Reynolds number, dimensions, and fluid properties (constant). For initial conditions let the velocity profile be hydrodynamically fully developed and the temperature profile be flat at some value te.