
Compsci 101 - assignment- write a program to print out any


Topics covered:

  • Functions
  • If statements
  • Loops (While or For)

You will be adding your own functions to the program. There must not be any variables used outside any of the functions.

QUESTION - Write a program to print out any sized multiplication table between 1 to 20 (inclusive).

Can only use the functions provided, and not allowed to change the given main() and display_heading() functions. Am not allowed to use any advanced python language. A list of topics we have covered are:

Variables, doing calculations, print() function

Evaluating expressions, modulus and integer division operators, docstring and comments, the math module, developing a program in steps

The type() function, strings, objects, the len() function, string slices

Manipulating strings, string methods, dot notation

Getting user input, converting between types, generating random number

Defining functions

Nested functions and the scope of variables

Boolean expressions

If statements

If ... else, if ... elif statements, nested ifs

Loops, while loops

Range function, for...in range() loops

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Programming Languages: Compsci 101 - assignment- write a program to print out any
Reference No:- TGS02726683

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