
Compound b gave a positive 24-dinitrophenylhydrazine test

0-9. An unknown organic liquid, A, was found to burn with a yellow, sooty flame and give a positive Lucas test (~5 min). Upon treatment
with sodium dichromate-sulfuric acid solution it produced Compound B, which also burned with a yellow, sooty flame. Compound B gave a
positive 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine test, but a negative result when treated with the Tollens reagent. However, B did give a positive
iodoform test. The 1H NMR spectrum for Compound A showed the following

1.4 ppm --- 3H (doublet)
1.9 ppm --- 1H (singlet)
4.8 ppm --- 1H (quartet)
7.2 ppm --- 5H (complex multiplet)

Give the structures and suitable names for Compounds A and B.

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Chemistry: Compound b gave a positive 24-dinitrophenylhydrazine test
Reference No:- TGS0577185

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