Compound a had ir peaks at 3060 3000-2850 2750 1715 cm-1 it

Compound A had IR peaks at 3060, 3000-2850, 2750, 1715 cm^-1. It reacted with BH4- then H+ to form Compound B which had 1H NMR peaks of 7.2 to 7.4 (garbage, 5), 3.65(doublet, 2), 2.9 (sextet,1), 1.7 (singlet, 1) and 1.22 (doublet, 3). What are compounds A and B. Draw out the structures and identify peaks.

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Chemistry: Compound a had ir peaks at 3060 3000-2850 2750 1715 cm-1 it
Reference No:- TGS0794857

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