Composition of the workforce changes

Discuss below in a 1 page each:

1. American Widgets expects to be increasing production and will be hiring more employees. Likely a number of these will be Group X people; the company doesn't have many of them currently. Our two managers are discussing the prospect. One says that Group X people have a reputation for hard work, but they're difficult to supervise. They simply don't think like the rest of the workers. The supervisor tells them something, and likely nothing, or the wrong thing, happens. There are bound to be tensions between Group X and non-Group X workers. It's happened with some of the few Group X people currently at American Widgets.

Maybe there needs to be some planning about what happens when the composition of the workforce changes. The second manager thinks there will be no problem. The supervisors will treat all the employees alike, and soon the Group X people will think and act the same as everybody else. If the new Group X people cause trouble or don't do what they're supposed to, they get disciplined--same as everybody else. The last thing the company should do is have special treatment for any group, because that's guaranteed to cause tension.

What should we advise about diversity management?

2. Day Care Center has a policy stating that no employee can be over 5 feet, 4 inches because the employer thinks that children feel more comfortable with people who are closer to them in size. Does Tiffany, who is 5 feet, 7 inches, have an actionable claim under Title VII? If so, under what theory could she proceed?

General Management

Diversity interacts with economic opportunities as globalization increases. As a manager you offer added skill when you understand more of how to anticipate global economic trends and diversity of people to promote cultural synergy and effective problem solving. Important questions to consider as you post to the 2nd Conference: What demographic trends seem important to effective managing of a more diverse work group? How? What advantages does a manager offer when leading, if he or she understands the research linked to country cultural typologies or categories?

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Other Management: Composition of the workforce changes
Reference No:- TGS01848598

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