
Compose an argument in favor of one of the possibilities


John Locke (Second Treatise of Government, 1690) speaks of human beings as naturally free individuals who subsequently choose to form themselves into political communities. Plato (Republic, circa 375 BC), however, does not speak of them outside of such communities. This difference leads to a question: Is it more correct to think of human beings as individuals or as members of a community? We are both, of course. But should we think of human well-being principally in terms of individuals or communities?

Compose an argument in favor of one of these possibilities, drawing on our assigned reading. Include summaries of what both authors say about the origin of political communities. Do not use secondary sources. Papers found to have drawn on secondary sources will receive no credit. Note that the prefatory material in the edition of the Republic we are using in class counts as a secondary source.

Include at least one direct quotation from each source (quotations of Plato may be from either the Jowett or Bloom translation).

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