
Compose a report on student experience

Compose a report on student experience in performing the Physical Security survey. Students will write a 250--500 word report (double-spaced) on experiences in the Physical Security Simulation.

Instructions: Physical Security Simulation
Hello. These instructions are for the simulation, Physical Security Survey. You
should read these first in order to get the most out of the interactive experience.
In the simulation, you will:
See example letters that you might encounter as a security professional. Meet with a
management team or security committee.
Explore a facility and take notes of relevant information. Conduct
informal interviews onsite.
Fill out a mock "abridged" physical security survey. Compare it to the
conclusions of your interactive character.
You are a junior member of Top Notch Security, a well respected Security Consultancy known
for its thorough Physical Security Surveys. In the past, you have gone out on assignment to
shadow your experienced mentor, Walther P. Kaye. In this simulation, he'll get you started,
and then accompany you to add his experienced insights while you conduct the survey
Once you have been introduced to the client's security committee members, you and Walther
will have access to all of the rooms at both of the client's buildings. Each area on the map will
start as blue, indicating that there are more observations to be made in that area. When that
area has been "solved" that portion of the map will change to green. When all areas on the
map have changed to green, the simulation will be complete.
Observations and Interviews:
In each area accessible from the map, there will be objects to observe and people to
interview. It is recommended that you mouse-click on all active objects in order to learn more
about them. To interview a character, initiate a dialogue by mouse-clicking on the character.
The characters in this simulation have been programmed to respond to your actions, and may
be more or less helpful depending on your choices and order of exploration. Some of the
characters are not as honest as others, and may require more than one interview before the
area is solved. If you do not get the desired information from the character initially, try
exploring some of the objects in the room or speaking to other characters, and then come
back to the character for a second try. They may be more reasonable once they see you mean
Abridged Physical Security Survey:
For use with this simulation, we have supplied a greatly shortened Physical Security Survey
form that you can use to take notes as you go through the areas. It may be beneficial to you
to have this form handy while you explore the simulation.
Prescreen - Physical Security Survey
Prepared for Janet Garret, Director of Security
Magnolia Utility Citizens' Cooperative
By Top Notch Security
Number of employees: 32
Operating Hours:
Cash Management Area, Electric Way; 10a.m. to Noon; 2p.m. to 5p.m. Cash
Management Area, South Street; 8a.m. to 6p.m.
Warehouse; Tool and Equipment Distribution Center; 5a.m. to Midnight Vehicle
Yard; hours.
1. What police agency has jurisdiction over the site?
2. Has the site terminated anyone for theft, fraud, etc., or drug related
3. Do theft reports reflect patterns, trends, or particular problems at this
4. What does site management regard as the most prevalent or serious
security problem (actual or potential)?
5. What are the site's most theft attractive assets?
6. Does the site have a Security Committee? Who are the members?
7. Is the site properly posted with respect to search and trespass?
8. Do they have a policy of reporting identifiable items of stolen property to
the local police?
9. Is the operations area perimeter adequately lighted?
10.Is lighting compatible with CCTV?
11.Are sensitive areas (parking lots, computer areas, stores, tool
rooms, shipping/receiving areas) adequately lighted?
12.How many officers per shift?
13.Are there current post orders, specific duties in written form for
security officers?
14.Are security facilities adequate and are unauthorized people kept out
of the gatehouse(s)?
15.Is a current list of authorized signatures (for keys) maintained at
the gatehouse?
16.Is an incident log maintained?
17.Does site utilize photo I.D. cards?
18.Are all employees required to show photo I.D. card to security
personnel upon entry?
19.Is the site completely fenced?
20.Is the site posted as Private Property / No Trespassing? With whom
does physical and administrative key control rest?
21.Are keys signed in/out in a daily log?
22.Is an electronic security alarm system in use here?
23.Who responds to alarms?
24.Who performs custodial services?
25.Do the janitors have access to restricted or sensitive areas
(shipping/receiving, stores, tools, computers)?
26.Are the janitors permitted to take keys off the site with them?
27.How much cash is in kept on site?
28.Considering the neighborhood the site is located in, and the amount
of cash on site, how do you assess the vulnerability to robbery?
29.Does the site have a clean desk policy?
30.Is security awareness included in the new hire orientation?
31.What overall security improvements could be made?  

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Theory of Computation: Compose a report on student experience
Reference No:- TGS081956

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