
Compose a persuasive research paper that clearly presents


Compose a persuasive research paper that clearly presents the issue (Why did democracy fail in Egypt but succeed in Tunisia after the revolutions that took place in both countries in the same period of time); articulates a developed argument; outlines coherent a ; analyzes and synthesizes evidence; and rationalizes a premise in support of the conclusion.

II. PURPOSE: Exhibit proficiency in academic research writing and argumentative expression.

III. INSTRUCTIONS: Provide a captivating description of the issue that serves as the basis for your research. Begin with a broad description of the topic, and narrow it as your discussion progresses.

End your discussion with a precise and narrow statement of the issue, in the form of a question. - One Paragraph Immediately respond to the issue with your conclusion. You should condense your conclusion to one sentence, and then explain it with subsequent detail. Summarize the general character of evidence in support of your conclusion.

Finally, end your discussion with a thesis argument that outlines the premise of your argument and advances the conclusion with broad categories, or clusters, of support. - One to Two Paragraphs Utilize at least 5 sources to advance your conclusion.

Synthesize your various pieces of evidence into several categories that provide a clear premise. The structure and organization of your premise should parallel the thesis sentence.

Provide an analysis of how your sources interact within each category, or cluster. Work on intermingling your different pieces of evidence to form a coherent foundation of support. You should accomplish this by analogizing sources, contrasting sources, conducting a cause and correlation analysis, and addressing any logical fallacies.

Introduce and summarize your various evidentiary claims with a natural restatement of your conclusion. Utilize appropriate transition sentences to logically move from one idea to the next. You may quote sources, but do so sparingly. Instead, try to paraphrase your source information and explain how it supports the conclusion.

Cite each of your sources, whether paraphrased or quoted. - Length Varies Restate your argument in a single, condensed statement. Summarize your findings and generalize how they advance your conclusion. Briefly explain how your conclusion addresses the issue at hand, and end on a philosophical note. - One Paragraph Include a Cover Page and list of References.

IV. FORMAT AND LENGTH: - APA, typed, double-spaced, 12-point font, Times New Roman - 4 ½ - 5 pages (Not including APA Title and Reference Pages).

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Other Subject: Compose a persuasive research paper that clearly presents
Reference No:- TGS02227937

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