
Compose a 6-8-page essay in which you respond in a

Essay: Entering a Conversation

First draft due: 10/17/16--Please bring two copies to class for peer review (remember that part of your class participation grade includes your active involvement in peer review).

Final draft due: 10/26/16--Please have your final drafts ready to hand in at the beginning of class. I will not accept late papers (they will receive an "F"); also, I do not accept emailed papers.

Compose a 6-8-page essay in which you respond in a sophisticated, intelligent, and imaginative way to John Updike's "A & P." You must incorporate two other sources that discuss "A & P."

The point of this paper is for you to enter into the conversation regarding various critiques/analyses of Updike's short story.You must demonstrate a clear understanding of the story and the ability to join a dialogue in a meaningful and significant way. Be thoughtful and insightful in your participation in this discussion. Two topics that you may want to write about: 1) Sammy's character and motivations or 2) the idea of sexism (as it relates to the male characters' view of the 3 girls).

I suggest that you read each piece at least twice: the first time, do not take notes (as this may distract you from an organic reading); the second time, definitely take notes, writing down crucial quotations that you think you might need in the construction of your essay. With this in mind: be sure to include plenty of relevant quotations from the texts to support your primary contentions. Also, please include a creative title that reflects the thesis of your paper. Make it interesting!

This is not a research paper, per se, which means that the only texts you need to worry about are "A & P" and the two other texts that relate to the story.

I will evaluate your essay on the following elements (including, though not exclusively): clear, focused thesis statement; introduction that provides a "hook" and a thorough background to your paper (so that the reader will know what to expect in your essay); substantive development of ideas; natural and logical organization; and sophistication and persuasiveness of argument. Also, please proofread closely! A paper containing too many errors in grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and spelling may result in a lowering of the paper grade.

MLA Format:
Please refer to OWL at Purdue for all matters of citation and formatting of your essay. Yes, you are following MLA. Do not invent your own style. Your inability to follow MLA requirements may result in the lowering of the final grade on the paper.

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Term Paper: Compose a 6-8-page essay in which you respond in a
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