
Compose a 4-6 page critical analysis paper as outlined

Module Case Study

The Case Assignment for this module involves your understanding the ebusiness sector as a component of the information technology revolution currently under way.

Please use some of these sources as well as your own; while we strongly encourage you to conduct your own further research and identify additional useful sources, this should be an add on to the basic material rather than a substitute for it.

Winter, S. (2012). The rise of cyberinfrastructure and grand challenge for eCommerce. Information Systems and eBusiness Management, 10(3), 279293.

Barrett, T. (2014). The Internet of things. Ted Talk.

Blum, A. (2012). Discover the physical side of the Internet on Ted.

Shoper, T. (2012). Shopping in 2020: What will the future of ecommerce look likd.

Murugesan, S. (Jul/Aug 2007): Understanding Web 2.0. IT Professional Magazine. 9(4), 3441.[Proquest].

Ranganathan, C., & Seo, D. B. (2006). The snakes and ladders game in ebusiness: digital transformation at American Hardware Depot.(The Home Depot Inc. investing in American Hardware Depot's electronic business). Journal of Cases on Information Technology, 8(4), 112.[Proquest]

Agnew, J., & Sindhav, B. (2009). An Ecommerce business model of peer to peer interactions among consumers. Journal of Cases on Information Technology, 11(2), 1221.[Proquest]

Seizing the potential of 'mcommerce' to add consumer value. (2008). ECR Journal, 8(1), 7.

For another view of the Internet future from the Chinese perspective: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uct3UbdQpCU

Here is a discussion of crowdsourcing and used for cyber terrorism Jared Cohen, former US State Department staffer and director of Google Ideas, says technology can help eliminate totalitarian regimes like North Korea. Cohen coauthoredthe book The New Digital Age with Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt.

Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt argues that the smartphone will help transform the lives of people in developing economies for the better in the coming years. Schmidt coauthored the book The New Digital Age with former U.S. State Department staffer and director of Google Ideas Jared Cohen.


In addition, the optional readings expand on many of the central points; you may also want to do some independent research of your own to clarify any issues that concern you.

Yang, Hongwei (2013). Bon appétit for apps: Young Americans consumers' acceptance of mobile applications. The Journal of Computer Information Systems, 53(3), 85-96.

When you have read through the articles and related material, compose a 4-6 page critical analysis paper as outlined above, on the topic:

Describe three big developments in ebusiness that will become commonplace by the year 2020. Explain why you selected each development and the impact it will have on society and on businesses.

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Management Information Sys: Compose a 4-6 page critical analysis paper as outlined
Reference No:- TGS02304038

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