Assignment Objectives:
This assessment item relates to the unit learning outcomes as in the unit descriptor. This assessment is designed to improve student collaborative skills in a team environment and to give students experience in developing Quality Assurance documents including the Quality Plan, Test Plans and Test Cases using a simulated industry case study.
Case Study Assignment:
In this assignment students will work in small groups (5 members) to provide an industrial related understanding of components of the Quality Assurance documents discussed in lectures. Student groups should be formed by Session four. Each group needs to complete the group participation form attached to the end of this document.
With your team, you will need to:
A) Identify a person or manager within an IT organisation/department that is willing to be interviewed by your team;
B) Prepare a set of suitable interview questions, as per guide following;
C) Organize and conduct the interview;
D) Submit an audio recording of interview, preferably as an mp3 file format;
E) Prepare a written report; and
F) Prepare and record a team presentation (maximum time of 10 minutes) of your findings
The Interview and its preparation topics:
The team interview will be focused on software quality assurance, Software testing and configuration management. The team will prepare a set of questions on how each of the three topics addressed The Software development companies. The questions must cover but not limited to the following subtopics
1. Quality Assurance Plan
2. Test Plan
3. Test cases
4. Test Effort Estimation
Selecting an interview:
The interviewee should be someone who works in an IT industry, preferably software quality assurance engineer, software tester, SW project manager, or a developer.
Organising the interview:
The team leader must ensure that only one member of your team contacts the interviewee and that a time and place for the interview is agreed to. Evidence of this preparation will be given in the written report for Part 1 Assessment (see details in the following Marking Guide).
Ideally, you should try to interview the person in their workplace. In preparation for the interview, your team needs to meet (possibly electronically) to discuss and prepare a list of appropriate questions on above chosen topics.
In organizing your interview with the interviewee, you should:
1. Propose the topics for the interview
2. Request an interview time of at least 30 minutes
3. Negotiate a suitable time with the interviewee
4. Obtain permission to record the interview
Conducting the interview:
You should attempt to conduct the interview on strictly professional lines. It is a useful technique to switch off your mobile in front of the interviewee as the interview starts, because this sometimes prompts the interviewee to switch theirs off as well. Remember to confirm that the interview is able to be recorded, and commence the recording.
Ensure that each member of your team has the opportunity to ask the interviewee at least one of the prepared questions. Keep to the allotted time, and do not overrun.
Assignment Part 1: Written Report
Each team will submit one written report only for assessment. The report will be a collation of individual contributions of team members. It is expected that each team member will make a contribution to the report of between 350-400 words. The maximum length of the report is 2000 words. The report should cover the interview preparation, execution, and your own reflection on the interview (compared to what you learned).
As part of the report, there should be a statement listing of the contributions of each team member as below:
Assignment Part 2: Electronic Presentation
The presentation will have the following structure. It will:
1) Have a maximum duration of 10 minutes;
2) Adopt a consistent slide template;
3) Include slides incorporating (Max10 slides)
4) An introduction to the presentation including title, team members;
5) Background details of the person interviewed;
6) Listing of topics discussed
7) Information provided in the interview (one slide per topic);
8) Lessons learnt from conducting the interview;
9) Lessons learnt from working in a team.
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Tags: Software Quality, Change Management and Testing Assignment Help; Software Quality, Change Management and Testing Homework Help; Quality Assurance Assignment Help; Quality Assurance Homework Help; Quality Assurance Coursework