
Components of the performance management system

Response the below in a 100 words each:

Lesley 7:14 pm

1.What is your response to this?

There are 6 components of the performance management system one is performance planning, this component is listed as the most crucial. This component forms the basis of appraisals this is a two person job usually involving an appraiser and reviewer. Employees decide targets along with key performance areas which is then finalized. The second component is the performance appraisal and reviewing. Usually in company's there are two appraisals done every year, which is known as the mid review and an annual review. The appraisers first ask employees to do a self appraisal on themselves then they will fill in the final ratings listing measurable achievements. The third component is the feedback on the performance followed by personal counseling and performance facilitation. This the employee is aware of areas of improvement given by the appraiser. They will also be told if they are exceeding at the level in which they are or not. The fourth component is considered vital since it determines the motivation in which the employee works. Usually employees will be recognized for good work performance and are usually rewarded. The fifth component is the improvement plan, this is where employees are told their areas of improvement and are given a certain time frame in which to improve. The sixth and final component is potential appraisal. Potential appraisal provides critical inputs for succession planning and job rotation, (MSG,2013).

The key to a successful employee evaluation is to have a good performance appraisal system that the company is proud of. Studies show that 65% of businesses are not satisfied with this system and wish to have a new one. The three main steps of a performance appraisal process is identify, here you will list the skills and behaviors that are absolutely necessary to achieve the wanted performance. The second is measurement this is where employees are rated on their performance. To be a successful performance review it first needs to be effective and the standards need to be made clear. Of the different varieties of performance reviews available none are effective in measuring this criteria. The third step is management, which is where the evaluation of performance takes place and goals are set. This is also where employees are allowed to speak concerns and issues. The manager offers feedback where the performance is reinforced with goals and deadlines for improvement.

Some ways to motivate employees is give them as much control as possible over their job. The more control they have of their work causes better decision making and offers the possibility for flexibility on improvements. Keep an open line of communication, show the employees and inspire them on the great work they do and where it affects. Teach and instruct supervisors to bring out the best in everyone. Allow employees the freedom to speak freely and openly as well as support one another. Also be rewarding on jobs well done. These are all ways to motivate employees to maximize contributions.
Elizabeth 10:42 am

2.What is your response to this?

Performance management helps measure how well employees are performing their duties and responsibilities. There are several components to a Performance Management System. 1. You have to develop a plan. 2. You need to identify the goals of the organization. You need to know what you are trying to accomplish. 3. The goals must be SMART. That is specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time bound. How is the employee going to know what they need to be doing if the goals are not spelled out in detail for them. 4. You should review the employee's progress on an ongoing basis. The employee should know all through the year what their strengths and weaknesses are. It's not a good idea to wait until the annual review and then tell them what they are doing wrong. There needs to be a chance there to try to fix the problem. 5. Identify specific training and development needs. Anything that needs improvement should be noted and training available to correct the issues. 6. Conduct a formal progress review at mid year. A mid year review will let the employee know where they stand and what they need to work on before the annual review comes up. 7. An annual performance review is performed. 8. An development activities for the upcoming year need to be established. 9. The employee performance is rated and if any promotions or raises are awarded it would be during this time (www.go2hr.com

Employee evaluations support an organizations performance because your company is only as good as the weakest link. If you have an employee who isn't doing what they should be, then you need to be aware of that and take steps to correct it. The better the employee is, the company will benefit as well from their performance. The only way to know what your employees are doing and what they need work on is thru evaluations.

There are several ways to motivate employees. Every person is different and each person has their own needs that need to be met. Some will be motivated by intrinsic rewards and some by extrinsic. Money is a big motivator. We all need money to survive. But this will not be the only thing that will motivate an employee. You could be paying an employee well but if they are not treated fairly then they will probably seek employment elsewhere. Employees like to feel appreciated in whatever they do.

Bradley 2:25 pm

3.What is your response to this?
I chose as my poem for discussion, Robert Frost's poem: "A Road Less Traveled". I chose this means of literary work, as it is the complete surmise to the reoccurring dilemma that is the history of my past endeavors concerning me coming to this same fork so many times. I usually take the road more commonly traveled, and that is staying with the manual and physical labor jobs or grocery and big box retail. The quote: "and looked down as far as I could... Then took the other, just as fair"(p. 575), describes how I would always look to keep walking the path of the physical retail jobs, and seeing I do not get anywhere good, no matter how good I am currently at the jobs ( I am 44, this is a dead-end street). I then chose to go back to college and do what I am good at, computers. This has been that other path. I am glad I have decided to choose that other path. The decision was the knowledge that a career in computers is better by any means, than working as a retail morning stocker this pretty much says it best: "And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear"(p. 575). The end two lines of the poem and can definitively agree that my time here at CTU-O has been just exactly this:" I took the one less traveled by ... And that has made all the difference" (p. 576). I have already seen how my physical working intelligence, has been taught, tested, and trained, here at the school's online campus. I have had so many stepping stones, each a new experience in the newer "grassy" path, and the information is here for us to learn from and to help teach ourselves to be better people. Not only by the subjects and material we cover, but as well the ability to be self-reliant to gather the information. We rise to the challenge of being the ones who follow up and learn to teach ourselves the majority of each assignment. Our Teachers only get 10 hours in 5 weeks to be with us, the rest of the time it is all on us as the students to step up. This poem is the epitome of choosing the difference of the experience of a new path and starting something new offers, compared to the continual wage-slave / rat-race job; which is exactly what I have done here at CTU-O, and I have not regretted it a single moment.

Part B.

Playing several genres of role-playing games, mainly Dungeon and Dragons this is my poem, "Death Becomes This Way". The story of the adventurer's life and destiny.

Death Becomes This Way.

Fighter draw your sword and enter the fray,

Death becomes this way,

Cleric heal the sick and keep Evil at bay,

Death becomes this way,

Rogue strike in shadows and steal the day,

Death becomes this way,

Mage learn your spells and cast away,

Death becomes this way.

All the heroes gone and peace shall stay,

Death becomes this way.

Mitchell 11:05 am

4.What is your response to this?

Part A

I selected "Form" by Elaine Mitchell because on my first reading of the poem I felt it was short, not very wordy and straight to the point. I didn't necessarily know what subject matter she may have been writing about but in the back of my mind I was imagining marriage. Right from the beginning, in the first sentence of "Is it a corset or primal wave?" (Mitchell, E, 1994). I was immediately captured by three words of corset, primal, and wave. Those three words are nearly half of the sentence but they're words that indicate discomfort and natural comfort. That's the way the sentence came off to me, at first. Then the second sentence jumped out at me because it commands not to force it. So, just in the first two sentences, I was already intrigued and the wheels were turning in my head because I was wondering if the author meant if the matter is something of discomfort, then don't force it just let it be in a state of naturalness, like primal, in its original or innocent state. But, on the other hand, I was wondering if the author meant whether it's a controlled matter, like maybe a forced matter, or if it's a matter of naturalness and maybe a situation of comfort. Either way, whichever way, let the matter come to fruition that's best for the situation. I realize that might seem like a lot to take from a couple small sentences but that's what came to mind after reading it a couple times. I found it to be interesting because I believe the writing can be taken either way depending on how the reader wants to interpret the poem. Now leading into the second sentence, it becomes clearer on what the author is implying or which way she is leaning towards because she is referring to the corset as something forceful and if conducted to the extreme it will not benefit too much but hurt, instead. The last couple of sentences are where the poem reminded me of marriage just for the simplicity of the word divorce and the line "So don't try to force it" (Mitchell, E, 1994). For me, this reminds me of a good way to approach marriage because a marriage should be more like a primal wave of events, or of natural development from innocent beginnings. Don't try to make a marriage like the neighbors or what a friends marriage may look like, or don't try to force a form to your relationship. Then the last sentence threw me off of course because I was thinking of a corset in a negative aspect rather than a positive where a corset is fine when used properly in a constructive way. A marriage needs guidelines, or a set of rules and borders to keep a healthy form and a poorly formed marriage, one that is forced and unnaturally restrictive, will need to be adjusted if it is to last. To reflect on the poems last sentence, respect a good corset means respect a good marriage.

Part B

The wind is blowing, the trees look cold

This place reminds me of things that are old.

Surrounded by empty fields and stones of the long forgotten,

The building is rundown and kind of rotten.

The doors are locked and the windows are shut tight,

Something about this place does not look right.

With better days left in the past,

The only thing left is to go out with a blast.

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Other Management: Components of the performance management system
Reference No:- TGS01836734

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