
Components of the hierarchy of risk control

Question 1:

a) Define:

•    hazard
•    risk

b) Outline the purpose and needs of a Risk Assessment.

c) List the steps to be followed when undertaking a Risk Assessment.

Question 2: List and describe the key components of the hierarchy of risk control, which must be followed when reducing risks to the lowest possible level. Give a workplace illustration for each phase.

Question 3:

a) Define the term Safe System of Work.

b) Outline five possible activities whereby following a risk assessment and the introduction of control measures an important or complex risk still remains and thus a formal safe system of work is requisite.

Question 4:

a) Produce a template which could be used to record the findings of a simple risk assessment.

b) Fill out the template with a worked example of a risk assessment for hazards which might be encountered on a small cattle farm.

Question 5: Describe the purpose of Personal Protective Equipment and give five different examples of when it must be used in the workplace. Describe in brief in each instance your justification for using PPE instead of removing the inherent risk of the activity.

Question 6: Identify and describe five points which must be included when considering a Fire Plan of Action.

Question 7: List ten functions which must be included in the formation of a permit system for working in a confined space.

Question 8: Describe the basic needs of emergency procedures and outline what procedures must be included in the relevant section of a company health and safety policy.

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Other Subject: Components of the hierarchy of risk control
Reference No:- TGS04560

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