
Components of bioecological theory of human development

Early Life Experiences and Potential:

When the child is the centre of positive communication, nurses and healthcare professionals engage in positive communication with the whole family when caring for children and young people. There is a growing trend to understanding families from a ‘family strengths framework’, to identify what families are doing well and what they can do to optimise positive outcomes. The family strengths framework is a positive approach to health care, looking at how families succeed and promote resilience. (Smith & Ford 2013 p.98)


The Bioecological Theory of Human Development is described as a process, person, context, time (P-P-C-T) model.

• Explain each of the four components (P-P-C-T) and how they interact to strengthen resilience across the age span of 0 – 24 years.

• Identify and include in your discussion one journal article for each component of the bioecological model (P-P-C-T) that demonstrates evidence of how it influences child and youth outcomes.

• Illustrate your discussion with examples of strengths during childhood that influenced health and well-being outcomes.

• Propose strategies supported by research and the literature that that could be implemented in practice that demonstrate how the P-P-C-T model can promote resilience in Australian children and youth (aged 0-24). These strategies can be in any context influencing child and youth outcomes i.e. processes in the micro, meso, exo or macro systems and address any aspect of the P-P-C-T model.
Submit your work in a Word Document into the Assessment 2 Dropbox in MyLO by the due date.

Library Readings:

• Lerner, R 2002, ‘Life-span, action theory, life-course and bioeccological perspectives’, Concepts and theories of human development, 3rd ed., Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, New Jersey, pp. 238-242.

• Li, J, McMurray, A & Stanley, F 2008, Modernity’s paradox and the structural determinants of child health and well-being, Health Sociology Review, Vol. 17, Iss. 1, pp. 64-77.

• Bronfenbrenner, U & Ceci, S 1994, Nature-nurture reconceptualized in developmental perspective: a bioecological model,Psychological Review, Vol. 101, Iss. 4, pp. 568-586.

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