
Components of a pay-for-performance system

I want to create a 12 slide power point presentation with this information. Can you help with NOTES and IDEAS please? Can you direct me to at least 3 scholarly resources that will help me with my research for each bullet point? Length: 12 slides

1) Provide an analysis of the significant components of a Pay-for-Performance system and evaluate the relationships between employee job performance and the reward systems deigned to motivate, engage, and increase employee productivity and job satisfaction.

2) How to implement such a program in the organization.

3) What are two examples of pay for performance programs and evaluate the key characteristics of these compensation programs.

4) Determine whether employees are influenced by performance evaluation systems that are innovative in providing rewards to employees.

5) Which programs would be most suited for the organization and why.

Can you direct me to at least 3 scholarly resources to help me gather the information for each bullet point? Length: 12 slides

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Other Management: Components of a pay-for-performance system
Reference No:- TGS01617359

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