Components of a Competitor Analysis:
A framework builds by Michael Porter to back managers in completing a successful and informative assessment of their company competitors. The following forces are identified in the model:
1. Competitor's Response Profile. A list of questions that assist managers in considering what moves a competitor capacity make on his or her own as well as what moves a applicant might make in reply to the manager's own moves.
2. Current Strategy. Under the heading of this refers to the status of how a business is competing and how it is performing within an organization.
3. Capabilities. Also under the heading of fall capability, or assessments of the competition's core competencies and weaknesses.
4. Future Goals. Under the heading of "What Drives the Competitors," this is a reference to the rigid goal as they have been communicated to all persons within the organization.
5. Assumptions. Also under the heading of "What Drives the Competitor," assumptions refer to facts or beliefs a competitor holds about itself and its position within a company.