Problem 1:
“Presenters, especially scientists, seem to have jumped onto the “PowerPoint” bandwagon, and are using visual aids by their presentation – from the title slide right down to a conclusion slide at the end. And more often than not, these slides are composed of a seemingly endless series of dot points with the odd graphic here and there – all using professionally designed organizational templates with the same colours throughout. While this might be an advance on photocopied sections from textbooks or scribbled hand-written overheads, it is my belief that PowerPoint slides and overhead transparencies are overused.”
Question 1: How far do you agree with the above practice? Support your views with appropriate examples
Question 2: Apart from PowerPoint presentations give three other presentation aids that a professional presenter can use. State the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Question 3: With regards to doing good presentations, explain clearly what you would have suggested to presenter in regards to planning his presentation.
Question 4: Using the context of a presentation being made by a sales representative, explain the communication process. In relation to that given context, identify each of the component of the communication process, a diagram may be used as support.