
Completing the social justice action project


As professional social workers, we are charged by our professional Code of Ethics to provide cultural competent, respectful service that is free of personal prejudices and biases to our clients. It is our duty and responsibility to understand culture and its function in human behavior and society. In order to achieve these goals, we must first take a reflective look in the mirror at ourselves, to first understand ourselves; this will allow us to identify the hidden prejudices and biases we harbor that may inadvertently affect our services. Write a reaction/analysis paper that answers the overall question: Who am I and where do my ideas come from? According to Bobbie Harro as outlined in the Cycle of Socialization, we are socialized by powerful sources in our worlds to play the roles prescribed by an inequitable social system (Adams et al., 2013). The paper should include a description and analysis of the following:

• Through a critical analysis, identify and assess how your personal biases, prejudices, and stereotypical attitudes and behaviors towards oppressed groups and members of dominate groups has shifted, changed, or stayed the same since prior to taking this course;

• How "who you are" (i.e. your values, beliefs, experiences) may impact your social work role and responsibilities;

• A couple of ways you will manage your personal values in order to practice guided by the profession's values;

• Discuss a skill you developed as a result of completing the Social Justice Action Project and how you will apply it in your professional social work practice; and ( I did a Social Justice Action Project on advocating for DACA)

• Discuss specific ways your understanding of the forms and mechanisms of oppression and discrimination has changed and how you would apply strategies of advocacy and social change for a more just outcome, and ways you would conduct your social work practice without discrimination. Provide specific examples to support your response.

This paper needs to focus on your individual experiences and an intellectual assessment of yourself. Use your course readings and any other outside resources as sources to support and explain who you are in a broader social or political context. Papers will be evaluated on various elements of critical thought and the intellectual traits as outlined in the Paul-Elder Critical Thinking Framework. Please refer to the assignment rubric. Additionally, the paper will be evaluated for use of correct grammar, sentence structure, and following the current edition of the APA guidelines for writing/formatting papers. The paper should be between 7-10 pages. References do not count towards the page limit.

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