
Completed this assignment academic honesty

Academic Honesty Statement

You must include the below paragraph in the comments box ALONG WITH your NAME and DATE. This information is worth part of your grade (see the grading rubric for this assignment). For further information regarding plagiarism, please see the Academic Honesty Policy in the Student Handbook.

Certify that I have personally completed this assignment based on my own personal efforts. I understand if I use outside sources, I must properly give my source(s) credit using the APA format and my paper should not include more than 20% of direct quotes from other sources. I understand if I do not provide proper credit to outside sources, I will be documented for plagiarism and be required to resubmit a new assignment. I will not divulge the content of this assignment or any of my work, generally or specifically, to any current or future James Madison High School students.

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Dissertation: Completed this assignment academic honesty
Reference No:- TGS02359179

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