Complete the website design document in microsoft word

Individual Website Design and Development:

• Complete the website design document in Microsoft Word. Cover all the elements for your site design (see 'Overview: Individual Website
Design Document and Development Effort Instructions' link). Update this in future weeks based on instructor feedback and to account for
any changes in the site or its audience that are discovered as you develop the site.

• Create a prototype of your homepage for your planned site that demonstrates effective application of design elements and the other
general site requirements. You should include placeholders for any multimedia you are planning on adding in the coming weeks.
Submit the website design document and your homepage prototype HTML file.

SupportingMaterial:Individual: Website Design and Development - Site

MapIndividual: Website Design and Development - Final StepsMarkup

Design Document and Development Effort Instructions

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Computer Networking: Complete the website design document in microsoft word
Reference No:- TGS01033634

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