
Complete the table with each step in the instrument design

Instrument Design Assignment

Whoever is take up this assignment should have a better understanding of Measurement & Evaluation and do this assignment by answering and following this instruction below. In addition I have attached a same question but, on a different scenario on vaccine paper as an example for you to follow. The way the attached paper looked that is the way I want the paper whoever is doing this should looked when whoever is doing is done please. The attached paper is from last semester.

NOTE: Follow this instructions below.


1. Review the scenario and design a 5-item instrument that is appropriate for the scenario.

2. Complete the table with each step in the instrument design process in order and describe what should be done in each step.

3. If you physically conducted any of the steps, then describe exactly what you did.

4. You MUST do a readability test on your instrument and obtain a 5th grade reading level.

5. You have up to 3 tries to get to the 5th grade reading level. After 3 tries please stop. Based on the rubric, you will receive a "C" or 2.8 points for this section of the assignment. Explain what you did for each time you had to make the changes in the instrument and put that information in the table below in the appropriate step number.

6. You MUST add your 5-item instrument to the end of this document as Part C.

• Part A: Scenario
• Part B: Completed table
• Part C: Five (5) item instrument of your choice

7. You MUST add a cover page and a reference page

Part A: Scenario:

You are the Director of the Department of Aging for Baltimore County. You conducted a falls prevention education and outreach program that ended 2 years ago for community dwelling older adults and care givers. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) funded this program and now wants the Department of Aging to evaluate the program.

One of your goals for the program was to decrease the number of falls on older adults living in Baltimore County by 20% by the end of the program. Develop a data collection instrument for this program that can be used to determine if there are any improvements in the risks for falls among the former program participants.

Attachment:- Instrument-Design.rar

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Dissertation: Complete the table with each step in the instrument design
Reference No:- TGS02713606

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