
Complete the synthesis worksheet for the articles by baker

Doctoral Assignment


Synthesis is the act of creating something new from multiple existing entities. Synthesis of research, then, is creating a new idea from existing ideas. This assignment is designed to help you identify how themes can emerge from reading literature and how you can synthesize this information in a way that creates new knowledge. You will use your understandings of the Topic 2 readings to complete a synthesis worksheet.

General Requirements:

• This assignment will be used as a pre-writing activity for the synthesis paper in Topic 5.

• Locate and download "Synthesis Worksheet" from the Course Materials for this topic.

• Review the articles by Baker & Pifer (2011), Gardner (2009), and Smith & Hatmaker (2014) located in the Course Materials for this topic.

• This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

• Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. Review the GCU APA Style Guide for Writing located in the Student Success Center.


Complete the Synthesis Worksheet for the articles by Baker & Pifer (2011), Gardner (2009), and Smith & Hatmaker (2014). The completed worksheet will include the following sections:

1. An Introduction that introduces and provides context for the topic, presents three common themes that emerged from the readings, and provides organization for the paper with a thesis statement.

2. A description of the evidence to support three common themes that emerged from the articles. Since this is likely your first experience with this depth of synthesis, we have provided two of the themes found in the articles. Your task is to identify a third theme and to provide evidence from each article for all three common themes.

3. A conclusion where you will return to your thesis and provide evidence showing you successfully addressed your thesis statement. Discuss the connections that you made from the evidence and how each theme emerged from the central topic of doctoral identity.


1.The role of relationships in the transition from doctoral student to independent scholar by Vicki L. Baker and Meghan J. Pifer.

2. Conceptualizing Success in Doctoral Education: Perspectives of Faculty in Seven Disciplines by Susan K. Gardner.

3. Knowing, Doing, and Becoming: Professional Identity Construction Among Public Affairs Doctoral Students by Amy E. Smith and Deneen M. Hatmaker.

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Dissertation: Complete the synthesis worksheet for the articles by baker
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