
Complete the service revenue budget

Crede and Rensing, CPA's are preparing their services revenue (sales) budget for the coming year (2011). The practice is divided into three departments: auditing, tax, and consulting. Billable hours for each department by quarter are provided below.

Department: Q#1- Q#2- Q#3- Q#4-
Auditing 2116 1549 1979 2487
Tax 2912 2464 2051 2416
Consulting 1474 1474 1474 1474

Average hourly billing rates are: auditing $81, tax $89, and consulting $104

Complete the service revenue (sales) budget for 2011 by listing the departments and showing for each quarter and the year in total, billable hours, billable rate, and total revenue.

Directions: After completing the table for all three departments & four quarters. Please remember to provide totals for each department, and the grand total won't count as regular totals.

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Accounting Basics: Complete the service revenue budget
Reference No:- TGS0709432

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