
Complete the proof of lemma

Question 1: Complete the proof of Lemma, that is, prove that the relation 773_Lemma.jpg  is reflexive and symmetric.

Question 2: Complete the proof of Lemma, that is, prove that the binary operation + , the unary operation-1 and the relation <, all on Q, are well defined.

Question 3: Let x ε Z and y ε Z*.

a) Prove that [(x,y)] = 0‾ if and only if x = 0.

b) Prove that [(x,y)] = 1‾ if and only if x = y.

c) Prove that 0 < [(x,y)], if and only if 0 < xy.

Question 4: Prove the theorem:

Let r, s, t ε Q.

1. (r + s) + t = r + (s + t) (Associative Law for Addition).

2. r + s = s + r (Commutative Law for Addition).

3. r + 0‾ = r (Identity Law for Addition).

4. r+ (-r) = 0‾ (Inverses Law for Addition).

5. (rs)t = r(st) (Associative Law for Multiplication).

6. rs = sr (Commutative Law for Multiplication).

7. r • 1‾ = r (Identity Law for Multiplication).

8. If r ≠ 0‾, then r • r-1 = 1‾ (Inverses Law for Multiplication).

9. r(s + t) = rs + rt (Distributive Law).

10. Precisely one of r < s or r = s or r > s holds (Trichotomy Law).

11. If r < s and s < t, then r < t (Transitive Law).

12. If r < s then r + t < s+t (Addition Law for Order).

13. If r < s and t > 0, then rt < st (Multiplication Law for Order).

14. 0‾ ≠ 1‾ (Non-Triviality).

Question 5:

Let i: Z → Q be defined by i(x) = [(x, 1)] for all x ε Z

1. The function i: Z → Q is infective.

2. i(0) = 0‾ and i(1) = 1‾.

3. Let x,y ε Z. Then

a. i(x +y) = i(x) +i(y);
b. i(-x) = -i(x);
c. i(xy) = i(x)i(y);
d. x < y if and only if i(x) < i(y).

4. For each r ε Q there are x,y ε Z such that y ≠ 0 and r i(x)(i(y))-1

Question 6:

Let r, s, p, q ε Q.

(1) Prove that —1 < 0 < 1.
(2) Prove that if r < s then —s < —r.
(3) Prove that r . 0 = 0.
(4) Prove that if r > 0 and s > 0, then r + s > 0 and rs > 0.
(5) Prove that if r > 0, then 1/r > 0.
(6) Prove that if 0 < r < s, then 1/s < 1/r
(7) Prove that if 0 < r < p and 0 < s < q, then rs < pq.

Question 7:

1) Prove that 1 < 2

2) Let s,t ε Q. Suppose that s < t. Prove that (s+t)/2 ε Q, and that s < (s+t)/2 < t.

Question 8:  Let r  ε Q. Suppose that r > 0.

(1) Prove that if r = a/b for some a,b ε Z, such that b ≠ 0, then either a > 0 and b > 0, or a < 0 and b < 0.

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Mathematics: Complete the proof of lemma
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