
complete the multiple regression model using y

Complete the multiple regression model using Y and your combined X variables.  State the equation.  Next, make sure that you evaluate overall model performance with the Anova table result and Adjusted R2.  Analyze each independent variable. Check for assumption violations and multicollinearity and report on your results.

Identify the changes occurring when the independent variables are combined in your multiple regression model.  This could be completed by comparing independent variable performance in the simple regression (slope, inference, Adjusted R Square, standard error, etc) versus the explanatory performance of multiple regression model. You need to determine if this multivariate model improves your ability to explain/predict the dependent variable in comparison to the separate single variable models in step 2.

A model evaluation will require you to use your multiple regression equation to estimate Y for Census Tract 5 and Census Tract 805.04 in the dataset. You must find the applicable observed data in the assignment database and plug the values into the equation to calculate the estimate for the dependent variable. Once this is done, you will determine the residuals for these two tracts.  Briefly discuss the relevance of these residuals in terms of the variables included in your model.  (HINT: Discuss the results based on the location of the tracts as well as their characteristics.)

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Applied Statistics: complete the multiple regression model using y
Reference No:- TGS0210534

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