
Complete the inca survey

Complete the assignment:

The assignment will demonstrate your professional writing skills as well as your intercultural communication competency. It consists of two parts:

1) Complete the INCA survey and write a one page reflection.

The INCA survey is located in content,

When you are done with the survey, review the INCA Survey Student Manual and complete the table to help you interpret your results.

2) Select 3 critical incidents and analyze them.

The critical incidents are located in content,

Your analysis should contain at least three scholarly references each that pertain directly to the incident. Your analysis should be

complete and supported by literature, not an opinion piece.

You must Format: Complete both parts in a formal written paper in APA format.

Use subheadings to indicate each critical incident. Include the number for each critical incident ( for example, #1-21), this will help your professor grade your work.Explain your answers in detailed sentences and paragraphs. Add a cover page and citations.

Optional: add a chart or graph to support your written analysis. Explain the information presented in the chart or graph.

Review the attachment:

Attachment:- Scenario.docx

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Other Subject: Complete the inca survey
Reference No:- TGS01780548

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