
Complete the following worksheet detailing your research


Complete the following worksheet detailing your research findings on two pieces of FFE common in a hotel guestroom.

Product to be purchased:

Product Details

1. The exact name of the product:

2. Company name:

3. The performance requirement, or intended use of the product

4. Background of company/vendor and an overview of the services offered

a. Does the company or vendor offer repair services, what is their shipping policy, will they bring samples of furniture to the hotel for inspection, warranty etc.

5. Quality standards of the product

a. For example, the number and size of coils in an inner-spring mattress would indicate the quality of the product

6. Characteristics of the product

a. This includes color, material type, durability, cleaning procedures, size and weight of the product etc.

7. Attach a copy of the exact product specification sheet.

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Risk Management: Complete the following worksheet detailing your research
Reference No:- TGS02680724

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