
Complete the following with full sentences and examples

Question: For this assignment, choose a speech with an audio version and a transcript version, so you will have both to assist you in answering the following questions. This assignment needs to be completed with your strong academic skills!

You may use a Ted talk, or go to this website . https://www.americanrhetoric.com/speechbank.htm to locate a speech. Do not use a film version of someone else giving someone else's speech. Do not do Martin Luther King's I Have a Dream Speech.. I want you to look at something new!

Speech Analysis Worksheet


Title of Speech:

When and where delivered:

Purpose of the occasion:

Are there additional things we should know about the background or the occasion?

Complete the following with full sentences and examples.

1. Explain the speaker's introduction and discuss its effectiveness.

2. What was the thesis of the speech?

3. Outline the main points of the speech.

4. Analysis of persuasive techniques

ETHOS: These are appeals based on the credibility and manner of the speaker.

What evidence can you find of this persuasive technique in the speech? How does the example fit the appeal?

LOGOS: These are appeals to logic and fact, or to the power of reason.

What evidence can you find of this persuasive technique in the speech? How does the example fit the appeal?

PATHOS: These are appeals to the emotions of the audience.

What evidence can you find of this persuasive technique in the speech? How does the example fit the appeal?

5. What is the main point made in the conclusion?

6. In your opinion, is this a "Great Speech"? Please explain your answer with specific reasons.

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Other Subject: Complete the following with full sentences and examples
Reference No:- TGS02940481

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