
Complete the design for the critical core risky difficult

Software Development

You are required to complete the design for the critical, core, risky, difficult (CCRD) use case; create a comprehensive test plan and build a prototype for the CCRD use case.

Before giving details, it is important to realise that for assessment item 4, you will expand your prototype to fully implement the CCRD use case at production quality and fully tested with your test plan. So remember to develop with that in mind.

More precisely, you should submit

1. A Revised Requirement Model which sets out the final functional and non-functional requirements, the data model, and includes a Full Use Case Description for the CCRD use case.

2.A Final Architecture which explains and illustrates the final approach and technological platform that will be used to support the completed

3.A Master Test Plan - which sets out the final concept of the test regime including user acceptance testing (for CCRD).

4.A working prototype that supports the normal flow for the CCRD. The user interface need not be production level. Also, alternate and exceptional flows do not need to be implemented. [They will be required for the last assessment item though.] You will need to show the source code you have written as part of the prototype. These should be organised as work items committed to version control with people's names attached to the items.

Work items should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timeboxed).

Please note you are rquired to work in group/team to develop a solution and encouraged to submit a single assessment .However please note that you will be assessed individually based on your performance.

Rationale back to top

This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:

• be able to identify and apply appropriately the different steps in the project development, as well as develop the main artefacts of the
process, using project management tools to assist in timely completion of milestones.
• be able to analyse and document requirements using appropriate modelling techniques and tools.
• be able to evaluate and determine suitable technologies to be used in the project.
• be able to demonstrate effective communication skills.

Software Development Students

• Demonstrate student's ability to apply appropriately the different steps in the project development, as well as develop the main artifacts of the process;

• Demonstrate student's ability to identify and analyse standard testing parameters used in evaluating system performance.

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Dissertation: Complete the design for the critical core risky difficult
Reference No:- TGS02928243

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