
Complete the coyne and messina articles analysis resource

In a paper (1,000-1,250 words), compare and contrast the major elements of the assigned articles by Coyne et al. and Messina et al. (Articles attached).

Complete the "Coyne and Messina Articles Analysis" resource (attached). Study the information in the right-side column related to the Coyne et al. study, which identifies the required elements as found in the reading. Complete the information for the Messina et al. article by identifying the required elements from the article.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. Please add additional resources as added.

Research Question:

How did the research question emerge from the review of literature in the article?

Independent Variables


Dependent Variables


Design Elements

1. Quantitative vs. Qualitative

2. Sample Size

3. Method of sample selection

4. Experimental vs. control group?

5. Reliable and valid data instruments?

Describe analysis.

What statistics were used?

Did the researchers' conclusions make sense, did they answer the research question, and did they appear to flow from the review of the literature?

Did they explore control of extraneous variables?


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English: Complete the coyne and messina articles analysis resource
Reference No:- TGS02160320

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