Complete full environmental scan to avoid academic integrity

Problem: Please complete a full environmental scan before starting your exam to avoid an academic integrity violation. The Week 5 exam will be 50 minutes / 50 questions The week 5 exam will cover weeks 5-10 • Normal developmental milestones for adolescents and young adults • Schizophrenia o Prodromal symptoms o Positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia o Treatment options o Patient monitoring • PTSD and associated symptoms o DSM-5-TR criteria o PMHNP role in managing trauma related symptoms ? Acute ? Chronic o Pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic treatment options for PTSD • Older adult o Prescribing practices • Delirium o Identification and management • Adverse childhood experiences o Risk factors o Long-term consequences • Eating disorders o Physiologic complications that may accompany disordered eating ? Abnormal laboratory values o Recommended treatments ? Pharmacologic ? Non-pharmacologic • Normal and abnormal sleep across the lifespan


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Reference No:- TGS03429646

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