
Complete forward and backward pass in project network

You have signed the contract to create garage for the Simpsons. You will get a $500 bonus for completing project within 15 working days. Contract also contains the penalty clause in which you will lose $100 for each day project takes longer than 15 working days. Create project network given information below. Complete forward and backward pass, calculate activity slack, and recognize critical path. Do you expect to get bonus or penalty on this project?

ID| Description | Predecessor | Time/Days
A | Pour Foundation | None | 3
B | Erect frame | A | 4
C | Roof | B | 4
D | Windows | B | 1
E | Doors | B | 1
F | Electrical | B | 3
G | Rough-in frame | C,D,E,F | 2
H | Door Opener | E, F | 1
I | Paint | G,H | 2
J | Clean up | I | 1

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Project Management: Complete forward and backward pass in project network
Reference No:- TGS031946

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