Complete case 1 brothers going separate ways or not on pp

Complete Case # 1, "Brothers Going Separate Ways or not?" on pp. C-1 through C-2 in the back of your textbook. Answer the end-of-case questions and submit your answers where designated in Blackboard.
Write your case study paper according to APA style guidelines including cover and reference pages. The cover page should contain a running head, page number, and byline. The body of the paper should include an introduction, narrative (body), and conclusion. These three sections should discuss the case study contents and provide the reader with adequate information that when the questions are answered, the reader is able to make a connection between the case study and the question responses. Please address the questions in a comprehensive and scholarly fashion; additional citations and references are expected. The page length for this assignment should be 3-5 pages excluding cover and reference pages. No abstract is required for this assignment; however, a table-of-contents is.

Formatting - APA Basics
1" margins all around
Double-spaced from beginning to end
Times New Roman Font
12-point font size
Indent beginning of paragraphs one-half inch
Use headings as necessary:

Introduction (Use title of the paper, not the word introduction)
Narrative (Body of the paper)
Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4 (as necessary)

Q1. Profile the brothers. Are they typical "small business" people or "entrepreneurs" or both? Is there really a difference?
Q.2 Advise the brothers. Develop a strategic and tactical plan that best fits their goals and aspirations and that has the highest likelihood for success.
Q3 How would each brother make a contribution to the family, community, and economy if their efforts were successful?

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Business Management: Complete case 1 brothers going separate ways or not on pp
Reference No:- TGS0643067

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