Complete assessment 2 a twenty-first-century manager on

Question: Post your response to the following:

• Complete Assessment 2, A Twenty-First-Century Manager, on page W-34 and Assessment 21, Organizational Design Preference, on page W-52.

• Find out what your self-described management skills are and what your preference is for working in either an organic or a mechanistic type of organization.

• How will you strive to improve your management skills?

• What type of organizational design does your management skill set support best?

• Post your answers and review your classmates' answers and decide what the best methods are to improve your management skills.

Uhl-Bien, M., Schermerhorn, J.R., & Osborn, R.N. (2014). Organizational behavior (13th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley

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HR Management: Complete assessment 2 a twenty-first-century manager on
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