Complete an sbar for the patient

Problem: You are transferring the patient to icu. The final lab results are listed below. Complete an SBAR for this patient. pH: 7.29 pO2: 102 pCO2: 48 HCO3: 23 O2 sats: 100% on 100% O2 CXR: There is evidence of bilateral opacification predominantly in the lower lung zones, more pronounced on the right side. These findings are consistent with fluid accumulation secondary to aspiration. There is an area of increased density in the right middle and lower lobes, suggestive of consolidation or infiltrate. No evidence of pneumothorax. Impression: Findings are consistent with bilateral lower lobe aspiration pneumonia, with associated pleural effusions, more pronounced on the right side.

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Other Subject: Complete an sbar for the patient
Reference No:- TGS03438737

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