Question: Smart Lab Lessons
Background: The SMARTLab is a self-paced, online basic statistics course designed to prepare you for your graduate courses and graduate research. You will use the online primer in addition to this classroom to complete the following lessons.
Access both through the following links:
• Constellation: Carruthers, M. W., Maggard, M. (2012). SmartLab: A Statistics Primer. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.
This week, complete the SmartLab lessons on Sampling, Variables, Measures of Central Tendency and Measures of Variability.
Assignment Requirements
Complete all components of the lessons on sampling, variables, central tendency, and variability. You may retake the post-tests as many times as you need to earn at least 80%. Once you achieve 80% on the post-tests for each lesson, submit a screen shot of your grading summary.
You also need to include a brief (no more than 350 words) analysis of what you learned from the exercises, what areas you found most difficult, what insights you gained or how you might apply what you learned. Be certain to include a title page with your name, date, instructor, and course title/section. This all has to be completed by Day 7.