
Complete a timeline which highlights important people


As we have learned, there are many important ideas and people throughout history that have laid the foundation for practices in modern early childhood education (ECE). The most notable progress has been made from the Progressive Era to the present. However, there are important concepts that date back to the 1600s which influence today's ECE practices.

In this problem, you will complete a timeline which highlights important people and ideas in ECE. The timeline beings in the 1600s but focuses primarily on events from the Progressive Era to the present.

Complete the timeline according to the directions below. The first row of the timeline has been filled in as a guide for you.

1) The various eras have been listed down the left column for you starting in 1600 and ending in present day.

2) In the middle column, people from each era who put forth influential ideas that shaped ECE are listed for you. In your own words, give a brief description of the person's contribution to ECE and explain how their influence is seen in the modern day ECE classroom.

a) Note that there are not people listed for all eras. In these instances, just leave the cell blank.

3) In the right column important concepts (ideas, institutions, legislation) in ECE from each era are listed for you. In your own words, briefly explain the concept and show how it is reflected in today's ECE classrooms.

4) You can use information from this week's lecture and readings to help you complete the timeline.

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