
Complete a research project based on use of laptops and

Task Description:

This assessment items requires students to complete a research project based on Use of Laptops and Tables in the Classroom. Students will need to create a questionnaire in order to collect their own data for analysis. Students will then need to present their research findings in a written research report. There is a minimum of seven (7) relevant scholarly sources required overall in your report

The first, report was based on an already completed questionnaire. In the class, we should print ten sheets of paper for ten students to complete the questionnaire.

what you need to know is that 10 students completed these questionnaires. They have girls and boys. They age is 20-25 years. There comes from India.

Title page
- Give the reader their first impression
- Name of institution
- Title of report
- Author's name
- Purpose (e.g. for course requirement)
- City and country
- Month and year

Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction
2.0 Literature Review
3.0 Methodology
4.0 Findings
5.0 Discussion
6.0 Conclusion
7.0 Recommendation
Reference List
Appendix A Questionnaire

Executive Summary (or Abstract)
- Summarise the whole research report
- It is short (150-350 words) and presented in one paragraph
- It is original work, not an expect
- An abstract must be self-contained and make sense by itself
- Present tense

1.0 Introduction
- An introduction:
• Provides background and summarises the content
• Around two paragraphs in length
- Elements:
• Problem/issue that you investigated
• Research objectives: (use verb e.g. "to examine, investigate, evaluate, explore, demonstrate...")
• Thesis statement: Your overall findings
• Significance of your findings (especially what is "new" or useful)
• Outline the report structure

2.0 Literature Review
A literature review provides an outline of the literature relevant to the research in the report and leads into your research question(s)
- For your report
• Insert your Literature Review here
• Include your research question(s)
You can use the Literature Review from the first assignment, but make some minor changes based on the feedback (See below).
The structure should be arranged more around themes, instead of proceeding article by article. This would leave more room for deeper analysis and comparison on your part. You have done well to justify the research questions by reference to the literature review, including gaps you have identified. However, the research questions are still too broad for our purposes. You will be conducting a questionnaire among students. Accordingly, within the broad research questions you have identified, you could explain why it is important to consider student perceptions and practices.

3.0 Methodology
Amethod section tells the reader HOW you conducted your research-and WHY you did it that way (past tense). This includes:
- Choice of research method but here we just use Surveys
- Population defined
Research instruments:
Explain in a general sense why your research method and research instrument were used. Then describe the method and instrument.
• Say what information you were seeking in using the questionnaire.
• Link the information to the types of questions used
• Say how the questions was developed including any pilot tests.
• Describe any amendments made after the pilot-this helps to show validity
• Refer readers to the Appendix to see the whole questionnaire.
Procedure(describes HOW the questionnaire was administered)
• Describe how the questionaries was administered (Just Face to Face)
• Describe the place(s) and time(s) of data collection
• Describe any issues or difficulties that were encountered- these may be interesting in themselves for readers or future researchers.

4.0 Findings (Use present tense when describing findings)
Describe each of the following:
a. Same characteristics (from your demographic questions)
• Write a paragraph describing the characteristics of the same-from the responses to your demographic questions
• Use numbers and percentages
• Use tables or figures (e.g. pie charts) if desired

b. Responses to your closed questions
• Use Tables or Figures to show the results
• Also describe each Table or Figure in WORDS
• Place any Figure or Table just above or below where you describe the findings
Findings: Using Tabled and Figures
• You should examine the effects of demographic variables on the responses to significant closed questions. Use Tables and Figures.
• You should also link in good descriptions of any relevant qualitative data e.g. from open questions (this turns statistics into people).

c. Responses to your open question(s)
• Read through the results in the open questions
• Select a couple of common themes of the respondents
• Write up these results in the Findings (Results) section of your report
Findings: Structure of you report
- Use sub-headings as appropriate
1. Themes
2. Kinds of question
3. Describe one result, then another, then describe the relationship between them

5.0 Discussion
In the discussion section you:
1. Show what is most significant about your findings
2. Link your findings to what is already in the literature (in your Literature Review)
3. Citations to the Literature are provide
4. Similarities/confirmation of Literature identified
5. Differences from Literature identified and discussed

6.0 Conclusion
- Summarise
• Findings
• Conclusions
• Implications
• Limitations
• Suggestions for further research
- Remind the reader of any particular strengths of your research

Attachment:- Research report .rar

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Business Management: Complete a research project based on use of laptops and
Reference No:- TGS02771561

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