
Complete a research essay about information security the

Complete a research essay about information security. The research provides you with the opportunity to complete research and demonstrate knowledge of information security from a theoretical perspective. You will be required to complete and submit an essay on one of the topics listed below:

Security of information in government organisations.

2. The length of the essay should be 2,500 words

3. The research essay must contain the following:
• Table of contents that covers all aspects of the assignment topics (see below).

• Definitions and descriptions of the terms, ‘integrity', ‘availability' ‘confidentiality', ‘authenticity' and ‘non-repudiation' in relation to the security protection of information assets in the chosen topic environment, i.e. what is it about these assets that must be protected?

• Definitions of human (people), technical (for example intangible magnetic data held on a computer) and physical (tangible objects such as the computer hardware and a printed document) information assets at potential risk in the chosen topic environment.

• Threats inherent in the chosen topic area: for example, malware and Trojan horses, hackers, insider risks (social engineering) and threats, physical weaknesses - refer to the weekly lecture topic notes and recommended readings).

• Implications of the threats that put organisations at risk.

• Suggested counter-measures (including technical, physical AND personnel counter- measures).

• References that are cited thoroughly in the essay - use EndNote, if you wish. This is available from the Library, free of charge. APA 5th should be used.

4. The marking guide shown above and often disregarded by a percentage of students is yet it is not a bad template on which to base your essay. It shows the marking structure of the essay and defines what you should comply with to maximise your grade. Please include the marking sheet at the beginning of your essay along with the coversheet. This speeds up the marking process and ensures you get your paper graded promptly.

5. You will also be assessed on the presentation of your essay, as well as the contents. Marks will not be awarded where correct referencing is not used and will also not be awarded where the above instructions are not followed. All assertions by other authors must be correctly referenced. Please restrict your own comments to observations about the work of authors you are quoting. Your own world view and statements of unsubstantiated facts (that are not referenced) do not earn marks. 

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Computer Network Security: Complete a research essay about information security the
Reference No:- TGS0651219

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