
Complete a reading analysis and report writing task - write

Read the Article through in its entirety, and in doing so keep in mind your purpose in reading it, as well as the purpose of the author in writing it.

The Brief for this Assignment Report is to complete a reading analysis and report writing task (consistent with material provided in Topic 3 of the Unit Notes and other supporting material on academic Report Writing).

Article: The " Big 5" and beyond: Nurses, unpaid carers, and adults with developmental disability discuss communication needs in hospital."

This should be done in the following ways:

i. Read again and take notes to identify information needed for the Report, as described below:

ii. Introduction: write an Introduction describing (a) the title of the article, (b) the author/s; (c) who/what the article is about, and (d) finish with a short paragraph about why the authors wanted to do the study(between 200- 250 words.)

iii. Method:introduce a new section (new heading) on the methods used to conduct the study. Briefly describe (a) who the participants were, (b) how many participants there were, and (c) what the researchers wanted to find out (between 200 - 250 words).

iv. Results:from the results section of the article, write a short explanation of each of the ‘Big 5' communication needs that were identified in Theme 2. Also summarise the smaller findings of Theme 1

v. Discussion:from the Discussion section, outline two issues of interest that the authors discussed. Identify and include relevant quotes to support your discussion, using appropriate referencing if citing referenced material (approx. 250 words).

vi. Conclusion:in your own words, summarise the main points made by the authors in this conclusion(between 200- 250 words).

vii. References:a reference section need only be added for any references and/or quotes included in the Report, using either APA or Harvard referencing style.

Attachment:- The-Big-5-and-Beyond.pdf

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