Complete a ratio analysis for that companys last years

Question: 400-600 words plus charts

1. Use msn's website to find financial statements for any "for profit" company in the computer hardware industry.

• enter the company symbol

• go to menu on left side of screen

• go to financial results

• go to financial ratios

2. Complete a ratio analysis for that company's last year's financial data. At a minimum, list and discuss the company performance vs. its industry average for these 4 ratios:

• Profit as percent of sales

• Current ratio

• Debt to equity ratio


3. Comment on

• how these ratios depict the financial health of this company as compared to the industry average.

• what the company might do to get better in each area.

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Accounting Basics: Complete a ratio analysis for that companys last years
Reference No:- TGS02764721

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