
Complete a proposal for funds to undertake a project to

Management of Natural and Environmental Hazards


To complete a proposal for funds to undertake a project to reduce the risks posed by natural hazard(s) in a chosen region.

Detailed coursework guidance

You are to write an application for funds to implement a NATURAL HAZARD RISK REDUCTION PROJECT in a place, region or country of your choice. This will consist of completing the application form template (attached). An application receiving high grades will (this list is not exhaustive):

- Choose a region that experiences hazards and develop a project that is likely to reduce the impact of this hazard. JUST ONE HAZARD.
- Utilise terms, definitions and concepts that are presented throughout the module this week; these may include ‘hazard', ‘resilience', ‘sustainability', ‘climate change', ‘early warning' or ‘preparedness'.
- Present concrete information, case-studies and/or data to back-up both the need for the project and its potential to be successful.
- Engage somewhat with contemporary academic literature to demonstrate an understanding of relevant themes in related disciplines.

The form itself is on pages 5-7 of this brief

Suggested Procedure:

a) Choose a place, region or country that is exposed to multiple hazards. Understand the nature of the hazards in this chosen region e.g. their frequency, magnitude, interrelatedness or compounding factors and understand the vulnerability of the population. A thorough risk assessment is essential.

b) Then research:
i. Current international and national strategies that emphasise the importance of sustainable risk reduction and hazard mitigation (both generic and also focusing on your chosen hazard).
ii. Techniques of hazard mitigation that would be appropriate for your chosen region. You should consider social/cultural issues, hard-engineering solutions and softer alternatives. Bear in mind future influences as a result of possible environmental change.

c) Now, choose one of the natural hazards experienced in your region and understand how it poses a risk there e.g. to building and construction practices, water management, critical infrastructure, health services, transport, poverty etc. You may wish to investigate some of the following:
i. What precisely are the risks posed to such systems in place?
ii. How and where vulnerability and resilience are manifest in such systems both there and elsewhere - look for a few good case studies.
iii. How risk assessments for your particular natural hazard may be undertaken in your chosen region, and how such risks have been reduced elsewhere.
iv. Are technical or ‘social' approaches the most appropriate?
v. How you can ensure sustainability for the project and is it environmentally appropriate for the region in question?
vi. By mitigating risk for one hazard do we increase exposure to others?
vii. Will disaster warning and response systems be considered?
viii. Will a changing environment affect the risks in that region?
ix. Do the locals need to be involved in any consultation?

d) You are now in a position to identify the partners in your application: "experts" who can provide knowledge and skills during the project; usually they will have a proven track record. You will need to undertake research into NGOs, charities, government institutions etc.

e) Develop a rough structure/mental picture of your project. Read the links provided on Moodle about writing a Grant Proposal Writing and Project Management.

f) . It is expected that you will make extensive use of the course handouts and "Moodle material" in your coursework to demonstrate your guided reading and ability to synthesise and apply information introduced during the taught element.

g) Reference widely and correctly!

h) Consult various sources (linked to on Moodle) for tips on writing research proposals.

i) Complete the application form using this information, and submit it via Moodle.

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Other Engineering: Complete a proposal for funds to undertake a project to
Reference No:- TGS02743965

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