
Complete a part of the real-time system improvement plan


Throughout this course, you will be working on several aspects of a real-time system that will result in a complete real-time improvement plan for a project of your choosing. Each week, you will complete a part of the real-time system improvement plan, with the final draft due at the end of the course.

You will select a real organization or create a hypothetical organization and apply your research to develop the real-time system improvement plan that would be appropriate for the organization and fulfill a need that the organization has for its systems. Additional information and the deliverables for each Individual Project will be provided in the assignment description for the project. This is the course Key Assignment that you will make contributions to each week.

Project Selection: The first step will be to select a complex organization that currently needs an upgrade of its real-time system or a proposal to adopt a new real-time system. This organization will be used as the basis for each of the assignments throughout the course and should follow these guidelines:

Select a real or fictitious organization, and submit your proposal to your instructor before proceeding further with the assignments in the course. Approval should be sought within the first several days of the course.
The selected organization might already have a real-time system in place, or you might need to propose to adopt a real-time system, if it does not have one yet.


For the assignments in this course, you will not be implementing the actual project, but rather, you will be developing a comprehensive Real-Time System Improvement Plan. Your first task in this process will be to select a complex organization or to identify a fictitious organization to use as the basis of your projects. Then, you will create the shell document for the final project deliverable that you will be working on during each unit. As you proceed through each project phase, you will add content to each section of the final document to gradually complete the final project delivery. Appropriate research should be conducted to support the development of your document, and assumptions may be made when necessary.

The project deliverables for Week 1 are as follows:

Submit your complex organization proposal to your instructor for approval.

Create the Real-Time System Improvement Plan document shell. The plan will contain the following:

Title page

Course number and name

Project name

Your name


Table of contents (TOC)

Use an auto generated TOC.

This should be on a separate page.

This should be a maximum of 3 levels deep.

Be sure to update the fields of the TOC so that it is up-to-date before submitting your project.

Your final plan will have the following sections:

Week 1: Real-Time System Overview and Design

Week 2: Real-Time System Properties

Week 3: General Resource Management

Week 4: Concurrency Mechanisms Problems and Solutions

Week 5: RTS Implementation and Evaluation
Provide a project outline and requirements.

Provide a brief description of the complex organization for which the real-time system improvement plan will be implemented.

Include the company''s size, location(s), and other pertinent information.

Material can be taken from the approved proposal submitted to your instructor.

Make sure that this project is approved by the instructor.

Week 1: Real-Time System Overview and Design

Provide a real-time system overview and design, including the following:

Provide an overview of the real-time system that is suitable for a nontechnical audience.

Include a brief description of the complex organization's real-time system requirements in the areas of scheduling, timing, and responsiveness. Describe available modern real-time systems and the design components to support the organization''s objectives and needs.

Name the document "yourname_CS676_IP1.doc."

Be sure to cite all references in APA format.


Your company has been researching ways to improve the efficiency of the mobile devices that it produces. Your group is tasked with finding a way to reduce media retrieval time from a playlist that is in alphabetical order. Your algorithm group has recently been reviewing the divide-and-conquer paradigm and has decided to test a divide-and-conquer approach.

For this assignment, you will continue the real-time system process by adding the Real-Time System Properties section to the Real-Time System Improvement Plan. You will identify and analyze the properties of a real-time system in a complex environment.

The project deliverables for Week 2 are as follows:

Update the Real-Time System Improvement Plan title page with a new date.

Update the previously completed sections based on the instructor''s feedback.

Week 2: Real-Time System Properties

Identify and analyze about 5-7 properties of a real-time system (e.g., maintainability, fault tolerance, robustness, and so forth) in an environment of your chosen complex organization.

Identify and explain some examples of concurrent real-time systems. The examples can be generic and can apply to the chosen organization or another.

How do the above listed properties integrate with the task concurrency?

Name the document "yourname_CS686_IP2.doc."

Be sure to cite all references in APA format.


For this assignment, you will continue the real-time system process by adding the General Resource Management section to the Real-Time System Improvement Plan. You will analyze the real-time system general resource management and schedule analysis of your selected complex organization.

The project deliverables for Week 3 are as follows:

Update the Real-Time System Improvement Plan title page with a new date.

Update the previously completed sections based on the instructor''s feedback.

Week 3: General Resource Management

Analyze real-time system general resource management by giving examples of how it applies to your chosen complex organization.
The resource management could relate to multiprogramming, memory management, CPU scheduling, and other resources that relate to the chosen complex organization.

Describe the foundation of scheduling, and analyze schedule analysis and its relationship to preemptive priority systems, static scheduling, thread scheduling, and rate monotonic algorithms.

Be sure to cite all references in APA format.


As part of the development of your Real-Time Systems Improvement Plan, you need to develop a strategy for identifying and promptly remediating real-time systems challenges (concurrent problems) to minimize disrupting organizational operations.

For this assignment, you will continue the planning process by adding the concurrent problems and solutions section to the Real-Time Systems Improvement Plan. Based on the work from Weeks 2 and 3, you will select a solution strategy for the organization to implement a real-time system improvement plan. As part of the solution strategy, define deadlock, and compare and contrast different ways to prevent it. Integrate state diagrams (state charts) into the plan. You will make recommendations for prioritizing, budgeting, and implementing strategies. Emphasis will also be made on maintenance strategies.

The project deliverables for Week 4 are as follows:

Update the Real-Time Systems Improvement Plan title page with the new date.

Update the previously completed sections based on the instructor''s feedback.

Week 4: Concurrency Mechanisms Problems and Solutions

The extra complexities associated with concurrent applications arise from the situations in which these concurrent actions are almost but not quite independent. In other words, the complexities arise from their interactions. As a real-time systems analyst, you are required to describe concurrency problems as they apply to real-time systems.

Apply state diagrams and charts, and identify and describe a solution strategy for the organization to implement the real-time systems improvement plan based on your previous work from Weeks 2 and 3.

Recommend and justify your recommendations for prioritizing, budgeting, and implementing strategies. Emphasis will also be made on real-time systems maintenance strategies.

Be sure to cite all references in APA format.


Part 1 Tasks (Objectives from Weeks 1-4)

As the class has progressed, you have learned about analyzing a real-time system program to help enhance the organization''s database. Up to this point, you have completed the following:

Section 1: Real-Time System Overview and Design

Section 2: Real-Time system Properties

Section 3: General Resource Management

Section 4: Concurrent Problems and Solutions

Part 2 Tasks (Objectives from Week 5)

The project deliverables for Week 5 are as follows:

Update the Real-Time System Improvement Plan title page with a new date.

Update the previously completed sections based on the instructor''s feedback.

The new component for Week 5 must be added to the Final Key Assignment, and the entire document should be turned in.

Week 5: RTS Implementation and Evaluation

Zorin and Kostenko (2012) stated that the system reliability can be increased through the use of redundancy units (both processors and copies of program modules). Reliability of computer systems can be enhanced by using hot spare of processors and multiversion programming. Many IT projects fail due to lack of evaluation, leadership skills, communication, and senior management buy-in to the project goals.

As a real-time system analyst, you have been hired by a complex organization that uses one of these three real-time systems: control systems (manufacturing systems, process industry, car industry, aircrafts, satellites), transaction systems (ticket booking, teller machines, e-commerce, stock exchange, wireless phones), or multimedia (computer games, portable music players, streaming music, video-on-demand). The output from the final project from this course will serve as an improvement plan to enhance an existing real-time system or replace an obsolete real-time system.

Assignment Details

For this final assignment, you will add a detailed implementation and performance evaluation plan of 3-4 pages. This should describe your proposed improvement plan approach to ensure optimization of the database and to protect users against system downturn.

Describe the 4 different approaches that a system analyst would use to optimize the organization''s real-time system.

For each of the 4 approaches, discuss what methods can be used to mitigate real-time issues and prevent them from disrupting organizational operations.

Finalize your Real-Time System Improvement Plan by adding this content to that from Weeks 1-4. Also, make any necessary changes required to other parts of the plan before final submission based on peer review and instructor feedback.

Review the entire plan, and make any final changes based on peer reviews, instructor feedback, and new ideas you have developed throughout the course.

The plan will be examined for professionalism, completeness, and overall structure for grading.

Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.

Reference: Zorin, D. A., & Kostenko, V. A. (2012). Algorithm for synthesis of real-time systems under reliability constraints. Journal of Computer & Systems Sciences International, 51(3), 410-417.

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Basic Computer Science: Complete a part of the real-time system improvement plan
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