
Complete a literature review matrix that helps you organize

You have been introduced to some basic research skills: searching for scholarly sources in the Walden Library, detailing sources in an annotated bibliography, and critically reading articles to find relationships among them. You also have started considering potential topics for your Doctoral Study.

This Assignment over the next 2 weeks combines those experiences to offer a preview of what you will do in more detail later in your program, namely a complete literature review. This Assignment is broken down into two steps: This week, you select a potential Doctoral Study topic to use for this Assignment. You may use a topic from earlier in the course or select a new one.

You then create an APA-formatted reference list of seven scholarly articles that could support it and get feedback from your Instructor on your choice of articles.

While you are not expected to select your final Doctoral Study topic in this course, take this opportunity to identify a potential topic and to review the related literature.

Next week, you will complete a literature review matrix that helps you organize the information in the seven articles. By Day 7, create and submit an APA-formatted reference list of seven scholarly articles appropriate to support a Doctoral Study topic. You do not need to annotate these references.

The Doctoral Topic is (The benefits of Cloud Computing for Small Businesses)

2nd Assignment:

Application: Literature Review Matrix A literature review is an integral part of doctoral-level research, which you will conduct in this program and may continue to do in your organization after completing your degree. Some people confuse a literature review with an annotated bibliography, one of which you have already done in this course. A literature review, however, is a level beyond an annotated bibliography in that it provides a mental map of the collective thinking and research about a given topic.

Last week, you submitted references for seven articles to your Instructor for feedback, which by Day 2 of this week should be provided to you by your Instructor. This week, you analyze those scholarly articles to break down the information in them and organize it into a literature review matrix.

The purpose of this Assignment is for you to experience creating such a matrix. Later in your program, you will take the next step and use a similar matrix to help you synthesize information and write a scholarly paper.

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Basic Computer Science: Complete a literature review matrix that helps you organize
Reference No:- TGS02329495

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