Complete a book report on the chronicles of narnia

Assignment task: The Chronicles of Narnia

Final Project:

Read chapter 5 to complete your project and to demonstrate your understanding of The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe.

TYPED Book Report

Complete a book report on the Chronicles of Narnia. In your book report, you must include:

  • Title of the book and author
  • Rating of 1 to 5 stars and Review
  • Plot (main events in the beginning, middle, and end)
  • Setting (where did it happen and how about when?)
  • Conflict
  • Solution
  • What's the book's main message?
  • Summary
  • Favorite Character and why (at least a paragraph)
  • Favorite chapter of the book and why (at least a paragraph)

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English: Complete a book report on the chronicles of narnia
Reference No:- TGS03439745

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