1. The BCD representation of (27510 + 96510 ) is ___________________.
2. The 2's-complement method of subtraction is to be performed on the 2's-complement signed numbers = 43(-)-47. Show the correct minuend, subtrahend, signed binary difference, and decimal result.
3. Represents the 2's-complement of the hexadecimal number 2AF.
4. The number -710 is to be stored in an 8-bit register as a signed binary number in 2's-complement form. What would be the register contents?
5. A certain register used to store signed binary numbers provides a 16-bit output. Determine the range of register output values and how many different values the register capable of containing.
6. The 5-bit 2's-complement of -1210 is:
7. Multiplication of the unsigned binary numbers 10010 and 11101 results in a product of:
8. How many BCD adders would be required to add the numbers 97310 + 3910?
9. What does 4CA516 + FEA216 = __________
10. What is the decimal value of the 2's-complement signed binary number 110101101?
11. What is the output frequency of a three-stage binary counter with an input clock frequency of 80 kHz?
12. How many shift pulses would be required to serially shift the contents of one six-stage register to another.