Complaint of recurrent yeast infections and increased thirst

Assignment task:

30-year-old woman presents to your office with a chief complaint of recurrent yeast infections and increased thirst. She also has noticed increased urinary frequency but believes this is related to her yeast infection. Past Medical History: Obesity. The patient was told to "watch her diet" during pregnancy because of excessive weight gain. Her baby had to be delivered at 38 weeks via cesarean section because he weighed more than 10 lb. (>4500 g). NKDA Medications: None Family History: Her family history is unknown, as she was adopted. Social history: She denies history of alcohol, tobacco or illicit drug use. General overview: Over the last several years, she has gained more than 40 lb. despite having tried numerous diets, most recently a low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet. Review of Systems: Denies fever, headache, body aches, chills, syncope, dyspnea, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, or head injury. Objective: Vital signs: BP 145/92, HR 72 bpm, RR 16 breaths/min, SpO2 97% on RA, Temp 98.2 F, BMI 37.1 Physical Exam: Her physical examination reveals darkened skin that appears to be thickened on the back of her neck and moist, reddened skin beneath her breasts. Her pelvic examination reveals a thick, white, vaginal discharge.

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Other Subject: Complaint of recurrent yeast infections and increased thirst
Reference No:- TGS03436786

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