
Compile the change management imperatives

Discuss the below:

Managing Organizational Change

• Compile the change management imperatives that will go into making this a successful change project.

• Construct a set of strategies that managers can use to help employees cope with complex change.

• Persuade the managers involved in this change that the imperatives that you identified and the strategies to help employees cope with change will help them manage the complex realities of this change project.

• Construct a model of change that reflects the reality of change in modern organizations and reflects your beliefs about change.

• Think of an organizational change that you believe should be implemented in an organization where you work now, or one you worked for in the past. Create a plan to implement change by integrating your change model.

• Plan a system to measure how your model will impact the organization.

• Evaluate the various types of change pressure that might impact the organization in terms of: (a) staffing levels, and (b) corporate branding.

• You are further asked to compile a list that compares each potential force for change to the stability of the organization.

• Speculate as to why some of these potential pressures on organizations to change do not impact all organizations in the same way.

• Appraise the cultural impact of this change on the employees who will move from government to private sector employment.

• Speculate on the changes that will come to the strategic behaviors of the new privatized organization compared to the government organization.

• Propose a plan that will help bring alignment between former government employees and the new strategy that they will have to work within.

• Compose a likely set of reasons why people will resist this change.

• Appraise the most effective and least effective strategies for overcoming the resistance to the change identified in the scenario.

• Devise a plan to implement the most effective approaches to reducing change resistance.

• Appraise two approaches to diagnosing organizational change, pointing out what works and what does not work in effective organizational diagnosis.

• Construct your own version of an effective diagnostic model using the best elements of other models. Be specific about the components of the model you create.

• Create a strategy that will measure the effectiveness of your diagnostic model.

• Help yourself by generating a checklist of key attributes of a good change communication plan.

• Then, compose an example change communication using an appropriate scenario.

• Finally, formulate a methodology to measure the success of your communication plan.

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Other Management: Compile the change management imperatives
Reference No:- TGS01865564

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